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30/March/2009 Posted by Freddy

        When the new series of Battlestar Galactica started, I got hold of the entire first season and watched it over a few nights, and have to admit I really enjoyed it. However when the second season began, I found I was frustrated by the slow movement of the storyline, and felt not much was happening, so stopped watching.
        The other night when channel surfing, I came across the 2 hour finale to the series which I watched with some interest. Things had moved on from when I'd watched it, so use of Wikipedia was required during the advert breaks to work out who the hell the kid was, and why certain Cylons were on the good guys side. But all in all the first hour went rattling by, and it seemed good enough, then everything fell apart, and I watched an hour of "technology is bad, mmmkay", "Cave women are surprisingly sexy to star warriors" and "there's these angels wandering around in communication with god manipulating everything".
        It all seemed a bit of a mess to me, which is why I am extra glad that this week, Hellstormer, the amazing stat creating monster that he's become sent me through this collection of stats for the original series of Battlestar Galactica. Today, I've added Cylon Basestar, Battlestar Galactica, Cylon Raider, Colonial Shuttle, A-B Raider, Anti-gravity Ship, Asp Viper Fighter, Viper Fighter to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the site.
        Many thanks to Hellstormer for these, and apologies to all for me being basically lazy and getting nothing done on the site, I'd make the excuse that I bashed my head quite seriously (I was feeling sick and dizzy and collapsed head first into a tiled floor, chipping two of my teeth, cutting and bruising my forehead, breaking my glasses and biting my tongue), but that was only last night so doesn't really hold up as an excuse.

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