Well here's the few more I intended to add yesterday BlasTech A270, HattMark Disintegrator, B-12/c Blaster Carbine, Kashan TTH-B Carbine, Boarding Carbine, Imperial CQ-55 Blaster Carbine, Stormtrooper One Carbine, Vetricon BV-13 Blaster Carbine, WM-19 Stopper Blaster Carbine, Merr-Sonn Sport Hunter, Naboo Sporting Blaster all added to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section of the site and all rescued from DLOS.
Well for those that notice such things, but that's the site been back up and being updated for a full year now. I know I come and go as my time is more or less restricted, but I think we've had a pretty darn good year, having added 1,226 stats to the site which pretty much doubles the size of the site from where it was before I started updating it again. What can I say more, except thanks to the many, many guys who've been sending in absolutely amazing work for inclusion on the site, every single bit is appreciated, and I stand in awe of some of the incredible work I'm regularly sent through. And thanks to everyone who keeps on coming by, although I'm not one for watching the stats too much, it does give me a bit of satisfaction to see the visits grow each month.
We're slowly slogging our way through all the DLOS stats, and still have a few more additions to the site after that, with some exciting stuff still to come. However I'm still keeping my eyes open for what to move onto after that, and I've been having some pretty wild idea's (which for my sanity's sake should probably never see the light of day), but if you've any ideas on how the site should grow and develop, then please get in touch, either through the forums, email, or by note attached to an arrow and shot through my window (okay the first two are probably easier).