Now as we move onto the new episodes of Clone Wars Season 7, we run back into my old rule of not adding a character until the end of their arc in the series. So although Trace and her sister Rafa are quite major characters in this episode, I get a feeling we'll be seeing more of them over the next 3 episodes, so I've not added them to the site yet. I do this as they're like to display additional skills and abilities we've not seen yet (for example, Trace owns a starship, but is she able to pilot it and how skillfully?). Anyway, here we are with today's review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 7 Episode 5: Gone With a Trace. And based on the subject of this review, we've added Pintu Son-El to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and Tooka (Non-sentient Feline) to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section of the Site.
Back to Clone Wars 2003 tomorrow.