Another day, another batch of DLOS stats, today I've added Adelphi Heavy Wrist-Blaster, Adelphi Wrist-Blaster, BlasTech WristBlast-500, BlasTech WristBlast-750, BlasTech WristBlast-900, Model 203 Grenade Launcher, Stone Rain Mortar, Vetricon RPG, VerdanTech L-5 Shoulder Mounted Missile Launcher, Mestic M-72 LAW Rocket Launcher, MerrSonn lw34 Interceptor Missile Launcher, Corellia Incorporated FL-1 Grenade Gun, Door Maker, Field Mortar, Fragmentation Grenade Launcher, Grenade Gun, SLATRL System (Shoulder-Launched Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher), Mestic RPG, Torplex t-21 plasma missile, LS-2 Plastique Explosive, RanCorp Selplex-23 Nerve Gas, RanCorp blastwing anti-tank rocket, Crater Grenade, EX-17 Ecstasy Grenade, Convulsion Grenade, Fatigue Grenade, Corellia Incorporated Anti-tank Grenade, Corellia Incorporated Fragmentation Grenade, Corellia Incorporated HE Grenade, HattMark BB-12 Blaster Bomb, HattMark BB-3, HattMark BB-6 Blaster Bomb, HattMark BB-9 Blaster Bomb, HattMark IR Grenade, Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, Heated Smoke Grenade, Anti-grav Mine, PLS-5 Plastique Explosive, RT-9 Heavy Explosive, PLS-7 Plastique Explosive, Spider Mine, Vetricon Anti-infantry mine, Vetricon Anti-Repulsor Magnetic Mine, Vetricon Anti-tank mine, Vetricon EMP Mine, Quavar A200, Shaped Charge 39, Shaped Charge 40, Seismi Mine 41, Seismi Mine 42, Tele Mine 43, Tele Mine 44, Acidic Adhesive Thermite Gel, Proton Charge and Proximity Charge to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section.