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31/December/2020 Posted by Freddy

        Well, as I mentioned yesterday, here's some updated stats for some key characters from Season 2 of The Mandalorian. Today we've added Boba Fett (Mandalorian/Clone Bounty Hunter) (as of Season 2 of The Mandalorian), Carasynthia {Cara} Dune (Female Human New Republic Marshall) (as of The Mandalorian Season 2), & Fennec Shand (Female Human Mercenary) (as of Season 2 of The Mandalorian) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
        I really don't feel as if there's need for an updated version of Grogu or Din Djarin, but I'll consider the idea and may return to them later.
        So, it's Hogmanay 2020, the last day of the year, and what a year it's been. we started the year with the busiest month we've ever had, as we came off the back of the latest Star Wars movie, and although visits dropped month by month through to October, we've rallied visits once again this month. The year itself has been a lousy one around the world, although personally it's been one of my better ones after a particularly terrible 2019.
        Content-wise, we started the year finishing off Resistance Season 2, we covered the 2003 Clone Wars series, and we had new episodes with the final season of The Clone Wars. We covered a video game, Battlefront 2, and a few comic book series from The Tales of the Jedi, Jedi vs Sith to Crimson Empire 1, 2 & 3, finally finishing off the year with The Mandalorian Season 2. It's been perhaps our most varied year for content since we came back to regularly updating the site in 2017.
        Going forward over the next year, we've got planned to cover the Dark Empire series next, as although they got a official West End Game Sourcebook back in 1993, there wasn't anything produced for Dark Empire 2 or Empires End. We'll also be covering the video games, Jedi Fallen Order and Star Wars Squadrons, and other comic book series such as Knights of the Old Republic & Infinities. And of course, we'll cover any new Star Wars series or Movies which come out over the course of the year.
        So there's plenty for us to cover over 2021, and we've no plans of stopping the regular updates, although obviously we'll be taking breaks now and again to avoid burnout. So thank you for sticking with us, have yourselves a great new year, and I hope 2021 is a brilliant year for you all.


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