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Section of Site: Characters D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: Non-Player CharacterEra: New RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Fennec Shand
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: Tan
Cybernetics: Abdomen
Move: 10

         Blaster: 7D
         Blaster; Snioer: 9D
         Brawling Parry: 6D
         Dodge: 6D
         Blaster Artillery: 5D
         Grenade: 5D
         Melee Combat: 5D
         Melee Parry: 5D
         Missile Weapons: 4D+1
         Thrown Weapons: 4D+2
         Bargain: 5D
         Command: 4D
         Con: 4D+2
         Gambling: 4D
         Hide: 4D+1
         Persuasion: 5D
         Search: 4D
         Sneak: 6D
         Intimidation: 4D+2
         Languages: 3D+2
         Planetary Systems: 4D+1
         Streetwise: 5D
         Survival: 5D
         Tactics: 5D
         Willpower: 4D+2
         Brawling: 6D
         Climbing/Jumping: 4D+2
         Beast Riding: 4D
         Space Transports: 3D+1
         Astrogation: 4D
         Repulsorlift Operation: 5D
         Sensors: 3D+2
         Communications: 3D
         Starship Gunnery: 5D+1
         Demolitions: 5D
         First Aid: 4D+1
         Blaster Repair: 5D+2
         Security: 3D+1

         CREDITS - 300
                  MK-modified rifle (5D+2) with a throwing blade(Str+1D) hidden in the stock, Black Jacket, Pants, Brown Boots,  Red and Black helmet.


Description: Fennec Shand was a human female assassin and mercenary who worked for many of the top crime syndicates. After the New Republic locked up many of her employers, she went on the run and ended up on the planet Tatooine, where she was tracked down by two bounty hunters, Din Djarin and rookie Toro Calican. After she fired on the pair in the desert, they waited till nightfall then charged at her on speeder bikes, using flash charges to cover their approach.

Shand managed to shoot down Djarin's bike, but Calican reached her and the pair fought. Shand quickly defeated the inexperienced hunter, but he was saved by the arrival of Din Djarin, who forced the assassin to surrender at blaster point. With only one speeder bike left to carry them, the Mandalorian left to search for a dewback, while Calican guarded Shand. As they waited, she successfully convinced him to turn on the Mandalorian, who was also wanted by the Bounty Hunters' Guild; however, instead of freeing her as she had hoped, Calican shot and left Shand for dead, suspecting she would kill him if he freed her.

Shand was eventually discovered by the bounty hunter Boba Fett, who saved her life with the use of cybernetics. In return, Shand worked as his partner. Following a skirmish against Moff Gideon's Imperial remnant on Tython, Fett and Shand agreed to aid Djarin in rescuing his foundling, Grogu, from the moff. This led her to be involved in future missions with Djarin, which included the infiltration and attack on an Imperial Remnant on Morak.

Soon after, the group assaulted Moff Gideon's light cruiser in hopes of rescuing Grogu. After taking the bridge of the cruiser, Djarin returned from his mission to rescue Grogu with a now captured Gideon alongside the Force-sensitive infant. However, the dark troopers that Djarin had managed to shoot out of an airlock while rescuing Grogu soon returned, but, while the group waited for them to arrive, a Jedi searching for Grogu came to retrieve him and rescued the group from the dark troopers. The Jedi revealed himself to be Luke Skywalker and took Grogu from Djarin for further training in the Force.

With their debt paid, Shand and Fett returned to Tatooine to take control of Jabba's Palace, which had been taken over by Bib Fortuna since Jabba the Hutt's death. Taking control of the palace and killing Fortuna, Shand stood by Fett as he took Fortuna's former throne as the new rulers of Jabba's Palace.

Early career
Fennec Shand was a human female assassin who was active within the galaxy during the rise of the Galactic Empire. During this time, she encountered members of the elite clone commando squad Clone Force 99, also known as the Bad Batch. She made a name for herself working as an elite mercenary for the underworld's top crime syndicates, including the Hutt Clan. At some point in her career, she became wanted by the Imperial Security Bureau.

Left for dead
Around the year 9 ABY, Shand was on the run with a ten thousand credit bounty on her head after the New Republic arrested many of her former employers. She ended up on the planet Tatooine hiding out beyond the Dune Sea.

In the desert, Shand killed a human bounty hunter who had been tracking her on a dewback. His corpse, still being dragged through the sand by his mount, was then discovered by two more bounty hunters on her trail, the Mandalorian Din Djarin and the rookie Toro Calican. Calican hid behind a dune while Din Djarin approached the corpse to confirm if it was Shand or not. Shand, who was positioned on a ridge some distance away, then opened fire on the two hunters. She managed to hit Din Djarin twice in the back as he retreated toward the dune, but he survived due to his beskar armor.

Desert battle
As Shand had the high ground, she waited for the bounty hunters to make the first move instead of trying to escape. Guessing her plan, Djarin and Calican waited till nightfall to make their approach. Once darkness had fallen, the two bounty hunters drove directly at Shand's location on a pair of Zephyr-J speeder bikes. As the assassin prepared to fire, Djarin fired off a flash charge, blinding her and forcing her to remove her helmet. She then missed her first shot, and after Calican fired off another charge she missed again.

However, when Calican misfired his next flash charge, Shand was able to shoot out Djarin's bike from beneath him. The bounty hunter survived and fired off another flash charge to cover the last portion of Calican's approach, after which Shand shot Djarin in the chest and knocked him to the ground. As she prepared to kill Din Djarin downed, Calican announced himself behind her, allowing her to strike his weapon with a thrown blade and slow him long enough to attack. The rookie attempted to shoot her multiple times as she battled him unarmed, but he was unable to hit her and was quickly disarmed and defeated. As Shand began to crush Calican's neck, Djarin arrived and forced her to surrender at blaster point.

Underestimating a rookie
Din Djarin forced Shand to put on a pair of stuncuffs and the two hunters marched her down to their sole remaining speeder bike, which Shand mockingly pointed out would not carry all three of them. Djarin suggested that Calican go find the dewback they had seen earlier, but after the rookie refused to trust Din Djarin alone with both the bike and the bounty, the more experienced hunter set off to find it himself, leaving Shand and Calican alone together.

As the pair waited Tatooine's twin suns rose and Shand began attempting to convince Calican to work with her rather than the Mandalorian. At first she claimed to have a rendezvous in Mos Espa and offered to pay him double her bounty if he took her there instead of turning her in. When he claimed money did not interest him, she instead suggested he capture Din Djarin, as she had heard he had betrayed the Guild and now possessed a high-value asset, a child. She pointed out to Calican that claiming the bounty on a traitor would provide a far greater reputation boost than turning in her bounty and offered to help him subdue the other bounty hunter. She also gave him a bit of advice as to how to thrive in their line of work.

Calican appeared convinced and holstered his weapon, so Shand approached with her arms outstretched, expecting him to unlock the stuncuffs. Instead, the rookie hunter shot her in the stomach. As she collapsed to the ground, he pointed out that he knew she would have simply killed him once he removed the cuffs, and with Din Djarin's bounty to claim, he no longer needed her. He then thanked her for her advice and the tip she'd given him before mounting his speeder bike.

A friend of Fett
With his business with Shand concluded, Calican left her to die in the desert. Some hours later, Djarin returned on the dewback only to discover her unconscious body. Assuming that Shand had died, Djarin rode back to Mos Eisley to confront Calican, who had captured the Mandalorian's child, a Force-sensitive infant named Grogu. After killing Calican and rescuing the child, Djarin departed Tatooine, believing that his business had been taken care of. Unbeknownst to him, however, Shand had survived their encounter. Alone and unconscious in the desert, her body was retrieved by a man who had been left to die on Tatooine just as Shand had: Boba Fett, the son of the Mandalorian foundling Jango Fett. The outlaw saved her life in a manner that replaced the interior of her lower abdomen, where she had received her wound, with cybernetics. Alive and grateful, Shand swore her services to Fett, who was on a personal quest to retrieve his father's Mandalorian armor.

Tython ambush
Sometime later, Fett discovered that Djarin had returned to Tatooine and taken Fett's armor from Cobb Vanth, a lawman who used the suit to protect a small town. Shand aided Fett in tracking down Djarin to Tython where she set her scope on Grogu until Fett and Djarin were able to come to a compromise. The trio were soon after ambushed by Moff Gideon's Imperial remnant, most of whom were quickly disposed of; however, the Child was captured by Moff Gideon's detachment of dark troopers. As thanks for returning his armor, Fett offered Djarin his and Shand's help to save Grogu from the clutches of the Empire. Shand accompanied the two to Nevarro aboard Fett's ship, Slave I.

Rescuing Grogu
Shand went with New Republic marshal Carasynthia Dune, Djarin and Fett to the Karthon Chop Fields. There, they took former Imperial sharpshooter turned mercenary Migs Mayfeld into their custody. Djarin wanted to use Mayfeld to find Gideon's light cruiser using a terminal at Imperial refinery on Morak. Upon their arrival on Morak, Shand and Dune took sniper positions outside of the refinery while Djarin and Mayfeld snuck into the refinery. After Mayfeld killed Valin Hess, Shand and Dune took out several of the stormtroopers, gunners and shoretroopers as Djarin and Mayfeld escaped to Slave I. Being an excellent marksman herself, Shand was impressed with Mayfeld's shot that destroyed the Refinery.

Capturing Moff Gideon
After recruiting the Mandalorians Lady Bo-Katan Kryze and Koska Reeves, Fennec accompanied them, Dune and Djarin aboard Dr. Pershing's Imperial shuttle. Along with Dune, Kryze, and Reeves, she made her way through Gideon's cruiser, killing numerous stormtroopers along the way, to the bridge, where they commandeered the vessel. She then stood ready to assist her compatriots against a platoon of dark troopers which were about to gain entry to the bridge, before they were all destroyed by Luke Skywalker.

Return to Tatooine
Following Grogu's rescue, Shand and Fett's pledge to Djarin was fulfilled, and they returned to Tatooine. They went to Jabba's Palace, and, after taking out several of Bib Fortuna's guards and freeing one of his slaves, she stood by as Fett killed Fortuna. As Fett sat on Fortuna's throne, Shand stood behind him and took a bottle of spotchka to celebrate.

Personality and traits
A capable and confident individual, Shand advised the young hunter Toro Calican that the best way to work as a bounty hunter was to make deals in one's own best interest, ensuring their personal survival. Through her words, she believed that she had tricked the rookie gunslinger into freeing her by convincing him to turn on his partner. Calican, however, had assumed that she would betray him and shot her; Shand's overconfidence nearly cost the assassin her life.

After being rescued from death by Boba Fett, Shand dedicated her services to him as repayment, later vowing to do the same for Din Djarin after his ward was kidnapped by Gideon's forces, proving Shand was not without honor and later showed compassion in freeing a Twi'lek slave from Bib Fortuna. Shand had tan skin, brown eyes, and black hair braided with brown-and-red cording.

Skills and abilities
Shand was a highly skilled mercenary, with a reputation Din Djarin had heard of that made him hesitate in attempting to capture her. She possessed a mastery of firearm usage, particularly in regards to sniper rifles. During her time on Tatooine, Shand was able to successfully shoot Djarin off his Zephyr-J bike from a great distance, even after being partially blinded by the hunter's flash charges. Her marksmanship was also deadly at shorter ranges, a skill she displayed on Tython when she managed to drop several stormtroopers within a matter of seconds. Shand was able to meet her mark even while airborne; by her own word, she never missed a shot, though was seen to have missed multiple times on Tython.

Shand was also a capable fighter in hand-to-hand combat. She was handily able to best Toro Calican on Tatooine with a series of punches and kicks that ended with the would-be hunter in a crushing headlock between Shand's legs. She was only stopped when Djarin held her at gunpoint. An athlethic individual, Shand possessed enough strength to push a boulder down a hill on Tython after using it as cover from an E-Web heavy repeating blaster cannon.

Shand used an MK sniper rifle with a throwing blade hidden in the stock. She wore a black jacket and pants with brown boots and a red and black helmet.

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