So starting a new series today, and we're going to work our way through the 12 issues of the Star Wars Infinities series. Now these are alternate universe versions of the Original Trilogy, where some minor change has major repercussions on the plot, so we're starting with Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope 1. Now since this issue is mainly a retelling of A New Hope, followed by only slight deviation from the plot, there wasn't much new to add, although I did notice that we'd never added the Gallofree Yards, Inc. GR-75 medium transport to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.
Now these stats are really close to those for the Bright Hope, as given in the Star Wars Trilogy Sourcebook, Special Edition by West End Games in 1997, but looking through my collection I couldn't find the stats for the base ship given anywhere. So using the Bright Hope, and the information from Wookieepedia I've created todays addition.