And we're onto Star Wars: Visions: Season 1: Episode 4: The Village Bride and we've added based on that episode, Lord Izuma (Umbaran Raider Leader), Asu (Human Villager/Bridegroom), Haru (Human Bride/Villager), Saku (Human Villager), Valco (Human Explorer), & F (Human Jedi Padawan/Knight) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Keelia to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section, & KiSteer 1284 Projectile Rifle to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section of the Site.
Just to note there seems to be a problem with the site in Chrome, the scroll wheel has become incredibly unresponsive after the most recent Chrome update. This seems to be down to the scrollable area on the side bar, if you move your mouse pointer over the scrolling area to stop it moving, then the scroll wheel returns to full sensitivity. We'll be looking at this today and trying to resolve the problem as the day goes on.