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30/December/2021 Posted by Freddy

        I've put up my review of the first episode of The Book of Boba Fett, Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land. It's pretty darn good, but I think I'll be keeping doing the stats until the series is finished (or at least half way through) as not much information is forthcoming yet.


Comments made about this Article!

30/Dec/2021 20:42:17 Posted by Hellstormer1

This morning when I got home from work, I had enough time to watch one episode before going to bed. The choice was Ep 1 of Book of Boba Fett, or.....Star Trek Discovery. I chose Discovery, thought I’d save Fett for after work tonight when my weekend starts. Yes, I made the wrong choice. Yes, I’m going to get laughed at for this, lol.

30/Dec/2021 22:15:19 Posted by Freddy

I totally forgot that Discovery was on, and I'm leaving for the next few days at 10am tomorrow, so gonna watch it before I leave.

Definitely not gonna mock you, as they're the two shows I'm watching at the moment, and I might have made the same decision, it was just that Star Wars is a family event, and Star Trek is just me and my eldest son, so we gathered round for Boba Fett at dinner, and it was good (both dinner and Fett).

01/Jan/2022 05:18:45 Posted by Hellstormer1

I did watch it this morning after work. Good, GOOD stuff! Can not wait for the rest!

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