Another bunch of vehicles today pretty much completing those from Star Wars: Episode III: Revenger of the Sith. We've added Feethan Ottraw Scalable Assemblies Mankvim-814 light interceptor, & Buuper Torsckil Abbey Devices Porax-38 starfighter to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section, & Kuat Drive Yards HAVw A6 Juggernaut, Uulshos Manufacturing / Aratech Repulsor Company Infantry Support Platform (ISP), Appazanna Engineering Works Oevvaor jet catamaran, Appazanna Engineering Works Raddaugh Gnasp fluttercraft, Baktoid Armor Workshop Platoon Attack Craft (PAC), & Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation Tsmeu-6 personal wheel bike to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section of the Site.
Now, some of these are updated versions of ones done back in 2005, and others are totally new to the site. There are others I was sure I'd added to the site at some point while covering the Clone Wars series, but just couldn't find. So if they're duplicates, and have slightly different stats, then please just take whichever one you like best.