Only one "U" today, so I've covered the "V"s as well, so we've added Ume (Human Naboo Handmaiden), Jikesh Valia (Human Coruscant Firefighter), & Sateen Vestswe (Human Alderaanian Bodyguard) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
Now, I've received the final issue of The High Republic, but with only a very few characters left to cover in Revenge of the Sith, I'm going to power through those before I review and cover Issue 15 of The High Republic comic. And then I think a little break is in order, as my completionist effort for the Prequels has led to such a large amount of work that I'll need a week or two to just enjoy not having to do it.
What comes after that? Well I'm undecided, there's still the Knights of the Old Republic comic series to cover, I could go through the Original Trilogy and the Sequel Trilogy with my completionist efforts? There's a couple of High Republic era comics which I haven't touched yet, and of course so much else, especially given how much new Star Wars content we're due to get his year (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bad Batch season 2, Andor, Mandalorian season 3, and possibly even Ahsoka, The Acolyte and Lando).