And the rest of the "B"s from Star Wars: Episode 4: A New Hope, and today we've added Danz Borin (Human Pilot/Bounty Hunter), BoShek (Human Smuggler/Tech), John D. Branon (Human Rebel Pilot), Ront Byrnloo (Human Thug), & Boelo (Human Thug) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
One of the things I really love about doing these completionist efforts towards the movies is finding out the names and backgrounds of minor characters which have large effects on the movies. So today we've got the guy who introduces Obi-Wan to Chewbacca, and the guy who sits next to Luke during the Rebel briefing. Both really minor roles, but ones burned into my memory from watching this movie over and over again throughout my life.