And once again we've reached a character which has a dual history, one in the Disneyverse, one in the Expanded Universe. Tarvyn Lareka is the name of the Stormtrooper who stuns Princess Leia in A New Hope according to current canon. However, in the Expanded Universe he was DV-692, but Tarvyn apparently goes on to become a TIE Fighter Pilot, and have a relationship with Iden Versio from Battlefront 2.
Anyway, today we've added LIN-V8K (LIN Demolitionmech Droid), LIN-V8M (Imperial LIN Demolitionmech Droid), Tarvyn Lareka - TK-4601 (Human Stormtrooper/Pilot), & Nabrun Leids (Morseerian Smuggler) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.