Onto the "W" section of the characters of Star Wars: Episode 4: A New Hope, and there's a whole load of Wed Treadwells to cover, however I also noticed that we'd never added the WSB-15 Sabotage Droid, so we've added that as well. So today we've added WED-15-77 (Wed Treadwell Droid), WED-15-I662 (Wed Treadwell Droid), WED-15-I7 (WSB-15 Sabotage Droid), WED-15 Septoid 2 (Wed Treadwell Droid), WED-15-ST68 (Wed Treadwell Droid), & WED-9-M1 {Bantha} (Wed Treadwell Droid) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, & WSB-15 sabotage droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section of the Site.