Name: WED-15-I7
Product line: WSB-15 sabotage droid
Class: Sabotage droid
Sensor color: Gray
Plating color: Gray, Red panels on each side of base, above treaded wheels
Languages: Droid Languages 4D, Law Enforcement 3D
Search 4D+1, Hide: 6D, Sneak: 5D
Capital Ship Repair3D+1, Capital Ship Repair; Sabotage 6D+1, Capital Ship Weapon Repair 3D+1, Capital Ship Weapon Repair; Sabotage 6D+1, Computer Programming/Repair 3D+2, Computer Programming/Repair; Sabotage 6D+2, Ground Vehicle Repair 3D, Ground Vehicle Repair; Sabotage 6D, Machinery Repair 4D, Machinery Repair; Sabotage 7D, Repulsorlift Repair 3D, Repulsorlift Repair; Sabotage 6D, Space Transports Repair 3D+1, Space Transports Repair; Sabotage 6D+1, Starfighter Repair 4D+1, Starfighter Repair; Sabotage 7D+1
Equipped With:
-Sensor package
-Ten treaded wheels
-Fine manipulator arms (+1D to repair skills)
-Extensible video microbinoculars (+2D to search for microscale work)
-Cybot acoustic signaler (droid languages)
-Two claws, each with appendages (Str+2D Damage)
-Two plasma cutters (4D Damage)
-Heuristic processor
-Eight manipulator arms
-Two hand appendages
-Two tool appendages
-Two instrument appendages
-Weapon use programming
-Self-destruct system
Move: 8
Size: 1.6 meters
Cost: 13,000
Description: WED-15-I7 was a WSB-15 sabotage droid, a fourth-degree military sabotage droid model physically identical to the WED Treadwell repair droid. WED-15-I7 was individually physically identical to the WED-15 Septoid Treadwell. The droid had eight manipulator arms, along with ten treaded wheels at its base. Possessing gray plating, WED-15-I7 had two red panels at the base above the treaded wheels, along with a pair of gray sensors.
By 0 BBY, WED-15-I7 served the Galactic Empire as a maintenance droid with a "Septoid" nicknameā€”both characteristic of the WED-15 Septoid Treadwell model the individual WSB-15 was physically identical to. A fiercely loyal maintenance droid, WED-15-I7 specialized in extending Imperial resources' effective operational lives.