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17/August/2022 Posted by Freddy

        So onto the most recent issue of Darth Vader, Issue 25: Crimson Reign: No Calm Before The Storm, and based on that issue I've added Governor Tauntaza (Human Imperial Governor) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and Gabredor III to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.
        Now Empire Strikes Back is finished, and I'm up to date with the monthly comics, I'm going to take a week long break. This perfectly syncs up to the school year, as my son goes back to school tomorrow, so my morning routine will change back to non-school holidays, and a week will give me chance to get used to it again.
        It's kind of weird to think I announced his birth on this site 17 years ago, and tomorrow he starts his last year at school before he's all grown up. . . .
        Anyway, I may pop on to tidy up some of the stats I've miscategorised over the last few months, but see you all in a week for Return of the Jedi.


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Images stolen from various web page I`ve now forgotten where (Copyright however will reside with the artists.
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