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24/March/2023 Posted by Freddy

        And my review of this weeks Bad Batch Episode, Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Season 2 Episode 13: Tipping Point, which is mainly just setting up the season finale, so lots of pieces are being put into place, but nothing major happening.
        Anyway, with Rogue One finished, I'm going to take a week off, and back with my reviews of Mandalorian, Bad Batch and then I'll be back on 1st of April with something different.


Comments made about this Article!

25/Mar/2023 11:13:51 Posted by GMOverkill

For April's Fool's Day I hope we get something weird and fun. How about Tag and Bink?

Friendly greetings,

26/Mar/2023 09:50:40 Posted by Freddy

I was actually considering covering one of the Star Wars rips offs from the late 70's (although not the one I'm thinking about, but Starcrash and it's ilk. Although now I think if it this site is sadly lacking in any David Hasslehoff content).

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