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17/October/2023 Posted by HellStormer1

Fantastic Technology

Bringing you fantastic technology from all over the galaxy, today we offer the following conveyances and services to turn your barely flying space junk into a star-sailing personal paradise as you prepare to ambush that next cargo ship, or take that kinky Ugnaught you've been stalked by on a late night pleasure cruise, TODAY WE HAVE....

Defenses more powerful than anything you'll find in most civilian markets....
C.E.C. "Scalemail" Shield generator (4D)
C.E.C. "Chainmail" Shield Generator (5D)
C.E.C. "Platemail" Shield Generator (6D)

Services to upgrade your daddy's hand-me-down into the next "Oh Force they took my cargo again!"....
Starship Conversion: Cargo Capacity (Hangar Space)
Starship Conversion: Hidden Weapon Emplacements

And last but not least, we have a...a....what is this thing? Ah, yes, a transport sized fidget spinner, yes, yes...
Rotating Launch Frame

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Images stolen from various web page I`ve now forgotten where (Copyright however will reside with the artists.
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