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Colonel Toejam Jackson (Human Imperial Officer)

Colonel Toejam Jackson (Human Imperial Officer)


Pra-Tre Veter (Tarnab Jedi Master)

Pra-Tre Veter (Tarnab Jedi Master) View Update

25/July/2010 Posted by HellStormer1

Hello everyone!  Today I have the pleasure yet again to add more material from Jason D, who's been hard at work on the Skirata clan od Mandaloriens and clone troopers.  In Characters D6 we now have... Niner Skirata, Clone Commando Sergeant, Darman Skirata, Clone Commando, Fi Skirata, Clone Commando, Atin Skirata, Clone Commando, Corr, Clone Commando, Jaller Obrim, Coruscant Security Force Captain, Boss, Clone Commando Sergeant,Fixer, Clone Commando, Sev, Clone Commando, Scorch, Clone Commando, and Arligan Zey, Human Jedi Master
    Also, I've added Strident-class Star Defender in Starships D6, a Star destroyer built by Corellian Engineering Corporation and quite prominent in the EU novels, especially the Legacy of the Force series with the Second Galactic Civil War. where Corellia tries to secceed from the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.  Many battles were fought during this harsh period due to the machinations of Jacen Solo, aka Darth Caedus, and Lumiya the dark Lady of the Sith.  It is noted that these vessels clashed many times against the Galactic-class Battle Carriers, and I tried to write them up appropriately.  I have tweaked and modified both of them since adding them, and I am about to work on some others I had added in the last few weeks.

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