One of the things I absolutely adore about running this site is opening my email box and discovering the wonderful little presents people have been sending in. Today I've had the joy of adding Shado Vao (Twilek Jedi), Wolf Sazen (Zabrak Jedi), Jariah Syn (Human Bounty Hunter), Deliah Blue (Zeltron Mechanic), Cade Skywalker (Human Jedi) and Kol Skywalker (Human Jedi) to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Page, all wonderful submissions by Jason Dickerson.
Also Hound, Hill Chicken, Trollite and Baron of Hell to the Earthdawn page, all submitted by Alex Panzerkit.
Many, many thanks guys, wonderful work.
I've also added the Planets D/20 link to the side menu, as mentioned by Hellstormer, and fixed the image on the Earthdawn Centaur, whose image I'd overwritten with that of the Centaur transport from Freespace.