Well been ill for a couple of days, so not as productive as I'd hoped, but here's a couple of additions from yesterdays review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 6 Episode 4: Orders. Today I've addedUbrikkian Steamworks DD-13 medical assistant droid to the Star Wars D/6 Droids Section, and Deflector shield generator to the Star Wars D/6 Equipment Section of the Site.
Also the day after I added AZI-345211896246498721347, he revealed that he was a transformer, and could change into a Speeder Bike to save Fives, proving that I've been pretty much right in never adding stats to the site until the last appearance in Clone Wars. A rule I've broken a few times, but been punished whenever I have broken it. Oh, well, I've updated AZI to incorporate his Speeder Bike emergency mode as best I can, and fingers crossed he doesn't appear in the final few episodes with a Death Star Mode or something like that.