Just a couple of updates today, from the subject of yesterdays review, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Season 6 Episode 11: Voices. Today I've added Yodas Starfighter {Modified Kuat Systems Engineering Eta-2 Actis light interceptor} and Kuat Drive Yards/Allanteen Six shipyards Venator-class Star Destroyer to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.
The Venator is an update to the one that's been on the site for over a decade, which was surprisingly accurate apart from a few things here and there (Hyperspace Speed, what it carries, etc).
As I mentioned in my review of the episode, I thought that Yoda's Starfighter was another step in the evolution of the Eta-2 Actis into the Tie Fighter. However, it turns out it's a modified Eta-2 Actis, which doesn't feel right to me. When we've seen modified ships before, it's always been small changes to the design, for example the large engines that Anakin added to his Delta-7, which are obviously add ons to an already existing design. However, Yoda's Starfighter seems to have totally changed the ship in almost every way, while keeping the same general shape, yet smaller. Anyway, just my thoughts.