And we're back with quite a bundle of updates today, based on the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issues 1-6 (A New Hope). Today we've added, BlasTech Industries SE-14C blaster pistol and Czerka Arms 6-2Aug2 hunting rifle to the Star Wars D/6 Weapons Section, and Mosep Binneed, Osleo Prennert, Vanden Willard, Bob Hudsol, Shann Childsen, Pol Treidum, Daine Jir, Moradmin Bast, Conan Antonio Motti, Nahdonnis Praji, Cassio Tagge and URoRRuRRR to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section of the Site.
I really didn't think it through well, doing the entirety of Star Wars: A New Hope in one day, there's still loads I haven't covered. I was considering spending a second day doing stat's, but we'll leave that and see if there's any days that there isn't anything much to add, and I can reach back to these 6 issues and see what I can add then.