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11/February/2019 Posted by Freddy

Retro RPG: Warhammer Fantasy Role Play

        Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay or Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play (abbreviated to ''WFRP'' or WHFRP) is a role-playing game set in the Warhammer Fantasy setting, published by Games Workshop or its licensees. The first edition of WFRP was published in 1986 and later maintained by Hogshead Publishing.
        The primary setting of WFRP is the Empire, a region of the Old World based loosely on the Holy Roman Empire, with a number of baronies, counties and dukedoms fashioned after the fiefs of elector counts and dukes.[10] Other prominent regions include Bretonnia, initially based on medieval France, later reinvented using strong Arthurian mythology themes; Kislev, based on medieval Poland and Imperial Russia; and the Wasteland, whose sole city of Marienburg is based on the Low Countries. Other lands not explored as thoroughly but still frequently mentioned include the fragmented lands of Estalia and Tilea, fashioned after Spain and the city-states of Renaissance Italy respectively, and Araby, a mixture of Arabic Caliphate and Persia. Other lands with real-life analogies include Cathay (China), Ind (India), Naggaroth (northern North America), Ulthuan (Atlantis), Lustria (Mesoamerica), Norsca (Scandinavia) and the island of Albion (British Isles); however, very little official information has been released for these locales.

        While the setting of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay shares traits, such as the existence of elves and goblins, with other popular fantasy settings, it is technologically set slightly later than classic fantasy รขโ‚ฌโ€œ close to the early Renaissance era in terms of technology and society. Firearms are readily available, though expensive and unreliable, and a growing mercantile middle class challenges the supremacy of the nobility.

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