Top Five: RPGs on Windows 95
Hello and Welcome to this episode of RPGGamer Top 5s, and as part of our series on the top RPG's on each system, today we're going to be doing the top five RPG's on Windows 95.
Windows 95 was released surprisingly enough in 1995, and was a leap forward in making PC's usable, and with the addition of Plug and Play technology, multitasking and Multimedia capabilities it's launch was a massive event. While MS-DOS seemed to users to just be a minor component of Windows 95, it was in fact the platform that the entire operating system was built on, and it was possible to stop the booting of the Graphical User Interface entirely in favour of the text interface of DOS. But the GUI, with the introduction of the Taskbar and Start button was revolutionary, and it set the desktop metaphor which Operating systems still follow to this day, with the removal of the Start Menu in Windows 8 proving to be a controversial one.
During this era, 3d acceleration became standard, so games made the leap into massive 3d environments and games moved from being distributed on stacks of floppy disks to CD's, so fully acted dialogue became possible, taking RPG's into epic new territory.
For this countdown, we're going to be including Windows 98 and Windows ME, as part of the Windows 95 era, basically everything up until the release of Windows XP. It was a period of massive improvements in gaming, and four of the games on this list I personally consider absolute classics, which I've returned to again and again, even repurchasing them on Steam to gain easy access to them in these days of optical medialess systems.