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04/May/2019 Posted by Freddy

        Well, May the Fourth be with you, it's Star Wars day.
        But let's be honest, it's a bit of a bittersweet one today because of the loss of Peter Mayhew, Chewbacca himself. I never got the chance to meet him, but from all reports he was a funny and friendly guy, one who was a true ambassador for Star Wars. Even during the dark times of the late 80's, early 90's when Star Wars was pretty much dead, Peter Mayhew was attending conventions, spending time with fans, and talking about what a great experience the movies had been for him, unlike many of his co-stars who didn't seem to have as much of a positive relationship with the franchise.
        Well, the Wookiee has left the building, and we're all a little worse off for it. Goodbye Peter, you were one of the good ones.

        A bunch of additions today from the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 66: The Water Bandits. Today we've added Darial Anglethorn & Gideon Longspar to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Tirrith to the Star Wars D/6 Creatures Section, and Beheboth to the Star Wars D/6 Planets & Places Section of the Site.


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