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08/November/2008 Posted by Freddy

        Well, in an effort to completely clear the number of contributions sent in, today I added the two new sections, an Exalted, and a Lone Wolf one.
        So today I've added Special Items and Artefacts, Kai Grand Master Disciplines and Way of the Tiger to the New Lone Wolf RPG Section, and Hero Starkiller, Twilight Caste Solar Exalted, Children of the Unconquered Sun,Willow of House Cynis, Night Caste Solar Exalted, Ayame, Night Caste Solar Exalted, Final Frost, Principal Apprentice Assassin of House Ragara, Night Caste Solar Exalted, Felis of House Ragara, Earth Aspect Dragon-Blooded Exalted, Champion of the Elemental Dragons, Red Shadow, Air Aspect Dragon-Blooded Exalted, Champion of Mela, Dark Sky, Abyssal Exalted, Champions of the Deathlords, Whispering Wind, Sidereal Exalted, Chosen of Fate, Rufio, Fae-Blooded, the Fleshdreamt, God-Blooded, Descendents of the Gods, Anklok of the Dragon Kings, Artifacts and Wonders of the First Age, Exalted Charm Combos, Antagonists and The Celestial Temple of Light to the New Exalted Section, all contributions by K.
        So thats the backlog cleared . . . oh wait a second, Alex Panzerkit sent in some Earthdawn stats earlier this week . . . and Hellstormer has sent through a massive contribution of Missiles based on Macross, Oh well, maybe if I've got time tomorrow, my inbox will finally get cleared. :-)

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