A wee bunch of additions to the site today based on the subject of yesterdays review, Marvel Star Wars Issue 107: All Together Now. Today we've added Prince Sereno to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, Tof Bulk Cruiser, Merriweather and Tof starfighter to the Star Wars D/6 Starships Section of the Site.
So, that's it for Marvel . . . well not, no actually. I've still got the three Marvel specials that I've skipped over, and the adaptation of Return of the Jedi, which was also published out of sequence.
But I've also got Issue 108 to do, which has been announced and now published since I began this series to mark the anniversary of the Marvel comics series.
And I've also discovered, that a number of the stories that I read some 40 years ago, but haven't seen during my review of this series is because I'm from the UK and I've been reading the US editions. Due to differences in publication frequency between the UK and US (the UK was Weekly, and the US was monthly), there were a number of extra stories which were only published in the UK. And since some of these are by respected Comic book authors such as Alan Moore, they're definitely worth going over, and I've managed to locate them having been republished in compilations called Wild Space 1 and Wild Space 2, so I'll be covering those as well before I'm finally finished with the Marvel Star Wars 1977 series.