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BlasTech Industries EE-3 Blaster Rifle

BlasTech Industries EE-3 Blaster Rifle View Update

03/February/2009 Posted by Freddy

        Well, another quick two additions to the site, both from Hellstormer, firstly his take on Juno Eclipse from The Force Unleashed, which I've added to the Star Wars D/6 Characters Section, and the second . . . well the second is probably introduced by the man himself.

        Something to be said about this write-up. I am a fan of the old WEG Star Wars D6 system, and anyone else who visits Freddy's site probably is too. That said, no matter how cool it ever was to use blasters in Star Wars D6, I always wondered about firearms in the setting and how they worked in the rukles. They seemed simple and straight-forward enough, with a similar stat block like blasters and other weapons, with their own damage. Even the -1D against body armor felt right, since it was a more high-tech setting with more advanced armors that could withstand firearms more than super-heated blaster bolts. But the rules given for firearms always seemed lacking something. Every gun I ever saw seemed limited to "semiautomatic", where they fire a single bullet, and never mention guns that used automatic fire to unleash a torrent of bullets for more damage, or to unload on an entire area of enemies, or other things we're used to seeing in rela life or the movies. In this, firearms always seemed lacking, and woe be to anyone who ever got stuck with on on a backwater planet with a stormtrooper legion hot on their tail.
        Then one night, I had the urge to write up the M4A-1 Pulse Rifle from the Aliens movie (second in the movie series, best in my opinion!). It just came to me one evening while at a friend's house, so I sat at the PC, typed some stuff up, and when I had a finished draft that felt it wouldn't need fuiture changes I went ahead and sent it in (I think this is still on the recent posts on the site's home page).
        After some time passed, me and my friends realized the significance of what i had created. All of these other setting we had always wanted to try in D6 system but couldn't for lack of firearms rules, were now open for grabs. The biggest of these being Stargate, or rather, the televisions series Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. These settings had stuff that would fit well in Star Wars (and we converted several for the site!), but they always made heavy use of firearms for the good guys, and in many cases these guns were more preferable than the energy weapons everyone else had. With the simple rules given for the Pulse Rifle, we could now do Stargate. As of a week and a half ago from this writing, we began a game at random, and it's going well. We've actually crossed both Stargate series (since they're both over now, they make excellent background material!) with Battlestar Galactica (the original series, but using much of the ship designs from the new series) set twenty years after the series ended. The result has been a plot and setting that will give me much to use as a campaign, but anyways, back to the firearms.
        With what we've done in this new game/campaign, we now have rules for D6 firearms! I send these to Freddy to post on the site at his discretion. If anyone has opinions, or even downright disagrees with any of the rules, then please, post comments expressing these thoughts. After all, the golden rule in RPGs is if you don't like it, change it or get rid of it. And I would like to see everyone's thoughts on these rules.

IMPORTANT NOTE!: While these rules may be too much for some people, or perhaps too little for others, the information given here is probably lacking in many ways. So, to balance this out, if more information is ever needed or wanted, for whatever reason, the players or GM should look it up online. The Net has much more detail on these things than I could ever come up with, or that I personally know.
        One great site to look for info is So far, it's had all the answers I've needed, and it should help anyone out with questions. The biggest question will probably be how to modify a firearm and what would be available for it. Wikipedia seems to have all of this. One of the biggest mod deals I have come across is STANAG, a NATO agreement that is making all its member nations conform to standard weapons and ammunition types, making ammo and supplies much more readily available in the field. It would go that they probably have much available for weapons modifications and add-ons as well.


        And with that we proudly present Hellstormers D/6 Firearms rules modifications, which are truly, truly excellent work.

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