Added Nen-Carvon H1 to H4 and HB1 Hoverboards to the Star Wars D/6 Vehicles Section, a contribution to the site by Charles Carter. Many thanks to him for this fine work which he's allowed us to post up here on
Updates are somewhat irregular at the moment since I'm moving house, everything should be settled within a fortnight, but until then there isn't likely to be more than one or two updates per week.
The last poll has now ended with a large majority of you not being bothered by the infrequent swearing on the site. Many thanks for your support, the results looked like. . .
A new poll has now started, a repeat of a poll from last June which Darth Vader won by a massive amount, so I've littered the repeat poll with Star Wars Villains in the hope that his lead will be diluted although I somewhat doubt it.