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Imperial Stormtrooper | General Tobler Ceel (Gungan Leader) | Wing (Human Governor of Calodan) | Sand bat |
As we operate this site a large amount of artwork is produced and passes through our hands, most of this is used in the daily updates and pages within the site. However some of the art is not useable within the site itself without deforming or ruining it, so we have decided to put up some of this artwork as wallpapers so the extraordinary artwork produced for the site can grace your desktops. We can't guarantee that this gallery will be extended quickly or by much, but we'll continue to share the best of this work with you.
Created as a logo for the site, the plan being for our logo's to show the Light Side and Dark Side in equal quantities. There was also some thought as the Prequel Era and Original Trilogy Era being given equal presence within the site and its logo's. however at its current size it was too large and was reworked into an animation.
Like the above this was created as a logo for the site, the plan being for our logo's to show the Light Side and Dark Side in equal quantities. There was also some thought as the Prequel Era and Original Trilogy Era being given equal presence within the site and its logo's. As with the above it was too large to use as a logo, and was reworked into an animation.
Developed for the link on the main page, since the space for the link was 150 pixels wide, the loss of quality would have been too great and would have ruined a great render. The Stormtrooper render used in conjunction with the Vader image was then produced, and this image shrunk to 400x300 for use on the page itself.
Done as part of a strike that Bob went on to try to encourage people to give something back to the site, because contributions were almost non-existant, while requests for custom art were at an all time high. The strike failed, but contributions to the site started much, much later.
Page designed in Notepad, logo`s done on Personal Paint on the Amiga.
Text completely by FreddyB. Wallpapers by "Bob the Dinosaur".
Any complaints, writs for copyright abuse, etc should be addressed to the Webmaster FreddyB.