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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: EQUIPMENTEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Yes

Name: Baobab EZ3 Airbrush
Type: Painting Tool
Size: Handheld
Cost: 60
Availability: 1
Game Notes: This contains a selection of 5 different colours which can be selected or mixed using the buttons on the side.

Description: The Baobab EZ3 Airbrush was a model of airbrush manufactured by Neco Jeyrroo's Artisan Supplies. Mandalorian artist and warrior Sabine Wren owned a pair.

Comments made about this Article!

10/Oct/2023 14:47:12 Posted by Freddy

Easier to get a grasp on if you realise that Star Trek Adventures and Actung Cthulhu both run using the same ruleset, so our GM just grabbed an Actung Cthulhu adventure and ran it with us Quantum Leaped into the main characters.

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