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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: HuttSubtype: PlanetsEra: ImperialCanon: EU

Name: Boonta
Region: Outer Rim Territories
Sector: Suolriep sector
System: Dernatine system
Orbital position: 4th
Grid coordinates: S-8
Trade routes: Lesser Lantillian Route, Salin Corridor
Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
Primary terrain: Barren deserts and wastelands
Points of interest: Boonta scrapyard, Living Pits
Immigrated species: Hutts, Humans
Primary language(s): Basic

Description: Boonta, formerly known as Ko Vari, was a planet that had been colonized by the Hutts long ago. Despite it was a devastated world, Boonta was famous in the galaxy for its podracing and speeder races.

The planet Boonta was a planet located in the vicinity of Hutt Space. It was the fourth of seven planets in the Dernatine system of the Outer Rim Territories. The Dernatine system was known as a notable spice-smuggling system. Boonta was orbited by a scrapyard which served as a repair facility for damaged starships. A plumbing supply plant was located on the farthest south of the three continents.

Boonta was known to be one of the three planets, with Tatooine and Arami, where Boonta podracing races were organized to honor Boonta the Hutt. According to the Hutts, Podraces were based on Ko Vari celebrations held by Boonta the Hutt each year after recapturing the planet during Xim Wars, millennia ago. By that time, Tionese prisoners were chosen to run but all the losers would be executed.

Realizing that the galaxy's dominant Human species could not participate in the podracing industry, Yenchara the Hutt of the Desilijic kajidic saw the opportunity for increased profits on Boonta's Eve by establishing the Boonta Speeder Race on Ko Vari. Attracting Human colonists, the race led to the rise of other extreme sports such as the annual Zed'hoffa Orbital Diving Competition over the Living Pits. The rise in profits from the races would continue to assist the planet's economy in the decades leading up to the Galactic Civil War.


Early history
Formerly known as Ko Vari, the Hutts established control during the Pre-Republic era. It became was a highly settled world. Between 25,120 and 25,096 BBY, the planet was annexed into Xim's Empire as he expanded his borders from the Kingdom of Cron. Most of the population of the planet was decimated during the Sack of Ko Vari. After the defeat of Xim at the First Battle of Vontor, Ko Vari was eventually retook by Kossak the Hutt. The planet was later renamed Boonta in honor of the hero Boonta the Hutt, who defeated Xim the Despot. Even if Ko Vari was terribly ravaged by Xim the Despot during the war, some historians later suggested that a major cataclysm may have occurred well after the time of Xim, corroborating stories that the Hutts had used it as a testing site for centuries of extermination experiments.

Old republic era
In 11,920 BBY, Boonta was victim of the Fourth Pius Dea Crusade.

Millennia later, near the end of the Great Sith War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the Hutts signed a non-aggression pact with the Sith. The Republic responded by a devastating attack against the Hutt shipyards at Ko Vari. Republic Navy's Swift Fleet decimated much of the Krath fleet stationed there, leaving the planet depopulated one more time. Ko Vari never entirely recovered from all the catastrophes that occurred during the campaigns of Xim the Despot and the Great Sith War.

In 3963 BBY during the Mandalorian Wars, after successfully conquering Dennogra, the Mandalorians invaded Boonta and had won the battle.

Later history
In 15 BBY, Jord Dusat, Kea Moll, and Thall Joben of Ingo won the Boonta Speeder Race with White Witch, despite opposition from the Fromm Gang and Boba Fett, whom Sise Fromm had hired to kill the young racers.

The world was later conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong.

By 44 ABY, the world hosted a relay post for the Lost Tribe of Sith's Sith armada. The Sith apprentice Vestara Khai relayed a message to Boonta from a public S-thread booth on the moon Pydyr, revealing that she and the Jedi Luke and Ben Skywalker had tracked Abeloth to the moon.


Boonta scrapyard

The Boonta scrapyard was a starship junkyard located on the planet Boonta. The rickety Proto Droid Proto One was the proprietor in 15 BBY. In that year, the Sand Sloth crash-landed in the scrapyard, and Proto One fixed it for its owner, Kea Moll.

Living Pits

The Living Pits were a place on the Hutt planet Boonta. The Zed'hoffa Orbital Diving Competition was hosted here.

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