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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: TransportEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: EU


* See below for more information.

Craft: Corellian Engineering Corporation YV-330
Type: Stock Light Freighter
Scale: Starfighter
-Length: 26m
Skill: Space Transports
Crew: 4
-Gunners: 1
-Skeleton: 1/+5
Crew Skill: Per players' skills
Passengers: 6
Cargo Capacity: 70 metric tons
Consumables: 1 month
Cost: 300,000 credits (new); 100,000 (used)
Hyperdrive: x2 (Backup: x12)
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 2D
-Space: 4
-Atmosphere: 280; 800kmh
Hull: 5D
-Shields: 1D
-Passive: 15/0D
-Scan: 30/1D
-Search: 45/2D
-Focus: 2/3D+2

   2 Heavy Laser Cannons (Fire-Linked)
      Location: Front Under Cockpit
      Fire Arc: Turret
      Crew: 1
      Skill: Starship Gunnery
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 2D
      -Space: 1-3/12/25
      -Atmosphere: 100-300/1.2/2.5km
      Damage: 5D
      Rate Of Fire: 1


   The YV-330 was a light freighter ship produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. It was 26 meters long, and its standard armament was a twin laser cannon turret mounted beneath the cockpit. YV-330 freighters were often used by smugglers, and modified with heavier weaponry.

   The YV-330 was usually used by the Corellian Security Forces for patrol and customs operations, and the ship was truly more than a match for smugglers and pirates. The ship's main hull was separated in an engine and crew section which was rather small and didn't leave much space for passengers or even cargo. Most of the space was needed for the crew quarters and gun wells, of which the ship had plenty (when modified to have them).

   While thinner and smaller than many light freighters, the YV-330 still had enough cargo space to make a living off of, and was preferred by ship owners who enjoyed their privacy with few people around.


   Reverse engineered from The Emerald Lance to make a stock YV-330 Light Freighter:
-4 Concussion Missiles removed (3 metric tons each (12 total), +1/2 (6) for being concealed, 18 metric tons total).
-Autoblaster removed (0.5 metric tons, x2 for being concealed, 1 metric ton total)
-4 Light Ion Canons removed (0.5 metric tons each (2 total), +1/2 for being concealed, 3 metric tons total).
-Shields downgraded from 3D to 1D (-4 metric tons).
-Hull downgraded -1D (-5 metric tons).
-Engines downgraded from Corellian Evader-GT Ion Engines (Space Speed 8) to Space Speed 4 (-4 metric tons).
-Hyperdrive downgraded from x1 to x2 (-3 metric tons).
-Enhanced Sensor Package downgraded (-5 metric tons).
-Removed 2 Crew (+20 metric tons).
-+2 metric tons to round things out nicely (Total = 70 metric tons).

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