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Section of Site: Planets D6Belongs to Faction: Galactic EmpireSubtype: PlanetsEra: ImperialCanon: Yes

Name: Corvus
Region: Outer Rim Territories
Suns: 1
Terrain: Forest
Fauna: Convor, Loth-cat, Unidentified herbivore
Other species: Togruta, Human
Primary language(s): Galactic Basic Standard
Government: Governorship
Major cities: Calodan (capital city)
Affiliation: Elsbeth's regime

Description: Corvus was a forest planet in the Outer Rim Territories that was home to the city of Calodan.

In 9 ABY, the former Jedi Ahsoka Tano could be found on the planet in pursuit of a lead on the location of Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo "Thrawn" from his disciple Morgan Elsbeth, who had come to rule over the city of Calodan with an iron fist as magistrate of her own regime. Tano's presence on Corvus was known to an old ally of hers, the Mandalorian Bo-Katan Kryze. After seizing an Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser on the estuary moon Trask, Kryze told the Child of the Watch Din Djarin to seek Tano out on Corvus and bring to her Grogu, a powerful Force-sensitive infant. Elsbeth gave Djarin the task of killing Tano, who had been giving her problems. Eventually Djarin met up with Tano, and after a short fight in the woods they united to take Calodan. Tano defeated Elsbeth in a duel and control of the city went to Governor Wing.

Places of Interest
Calodan was the walled capital city of the forest planet Corvus. After the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin helped Bo-Katan Kryze seize weapons from an Imperial cruiser, Kryze told him that the former Jedi Ahsoka Tano could be found in the city.

Upon arrival, Djarin and his foundling were escorted by members of the scout guards, Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth's brigade of faceless enforcers in the city led by the mercenary Lang. Elsbeth tasked Djarin with killing Tano, who had killed several members of the scout guards and who sought the location of Elsbeth's "master." Promising her spear of pure beskar to the Mandalorian as payment, Elsbeth provided the bounty hunter with coordinates of the Jedi's location.

Djarin and Tano, having met in the wilds of Corvus and made a pact regarding the training of the foundling Grogu as a Jedi, liberated the city from Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth and her enforcers. Following this, Wing took up the mantle of leadership, wearing Elsbeth's cloak.

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