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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: CapitalEra: ImperialCanon: No

Implacable and Indefatigable
Craft: FNASS Implacable-class
Type: fleet starfighter carrier
Scale: capital
Dimensions: length 233.4 m, beam 29.2 m
Crew: 886, gunners: 74
Passengers: up to 840 (pilots and other aircrew)
Cargo: 188 tons (not including hangars)
Consumables: 11 months
Hyperdrive: none
Maneuverability: 0D+2
Space: 4
Hull: 2D+2
Shields: 0D+1
Sensors: 10/0D; 15/0D+2; 25/1D; 1/1D+2
8 Twin Heavy Blasters
    Fa: 3 port, 3 starboard, 1 front, 1 aft
    Crew: 3
    Fc: 1D
    Space range: 2-8/25/50
    Damage: 3D
6 Octuple Light Blasters
    Fa: 2 port, 2 starboard, 1 front, 1 aft
    Crew: 2
    Fc: 2D
    Scale: starfighter
    Space range: 1-3/6/10
    Damage: 6D+1
38 Medium Railguns
    Fa: 12 port, 12 starboard, 7 front, 7 aft
    Crew: 1 each
    Fc: 1D+2
    Scale: starfighter
    Space range: 1-3/6/10
    Damage: 2D
Starfighters: 70
Capsule: The two vessels in the Implacable-class were more closely related to the prototype Ark Royal than their Illustrious-class predecessors, and had a better distribution of mass, allowing for greater stability, and a higher starfighter capacity, at the expense of some hull strength. The Indefatigable participated in carrier-based strikes against the mighty HPL warship the Tirpitz, strikes which were sufficient to keep the powerful vessel under almost constant repair.

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