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Section of Site: Droids D6Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: DROIDSEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Kellenech Technologies Sentinel Droid
Manufacturer: Kellenech Technologies
Product line: Sentinel droid-series
Class: Battle droid
Cost: 2,400 credits
Armament: Blaster rifle (5D)
Affiliation: Galactic Republic, Raff Syndicate, Sith Empire, Ahto City Civil Authority

Dexterity: 2D
         Brawling Parry 4D, Blaster 5D, Dodge: 3D
Knowledge: 1D
Mechanical: 1D
Perception: 2D
         Search 3D
Strength: 2D
          Brawling: 3D
Technical: 1D
          Security 2D

Equipped with:
         Humanoid Body (two arms, two legs, head)
         Two visual and two auditory sensors - human range
         Limited Intelligence Brain (Tends towards paranoia if not memory wiped regularly)
         Personal energy shield (optional) (+2D vs Damage when activated)

Move: 8

Description: The Sentinel droid-series (also known as the war-droid or military droid-series) was the only known series of android among the war machines used by the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire in the Jedi Civil War. Variants included the Mark I, Mark II, Mark III, Mark IV, and Mark V, which were all outwardly identical. The HK-series was based on the Sentinel line in design and structure.
KT-400 military droid carrier
A KT-400 military droid carrier unloads Sentinel droids on Onderon

During the Mandalorian Wars, Revan's Republic forces deployed such droids from KT-400 military droid carriers, from which they controlled them by remote signal much like the Droid Control Ships of the Trade Federation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems millennia later. Such droids were used when the Republic conquered the Mandalorian remnant on Dxun. At least one carrier crashed on the moon's surface; it and its complement of droids were later discovered by the Jedi Exile.

Sentinel droids were equipped with blaster rifles and could benefit from personal energy shields, which, unlike spherical energy shields utilized by other models, allowed them to move while shielded.

The Ahto City Civil Authority used these droids extensively for the purposes of security and apprehending those who broke the laws of Ahto City. Revan was apprehended on Manaan by a battalion of sentinel droids under the command of a Selkath officer. Like the Mark IV assault droid, the sentinel droid was preferred by the nonviolent, pacifistic Selkath over live soldiers.

Some individuals, such as Ahlan Matale and Nurik Sandral, used these droids as bodyguards.

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