Name: Ludo Kressh's Pedicure Set
Culture: Sith
Date created: Before 5000 BBY
Date discovered: Before 3963 BBY
Owners: Dark Lord of the Sith Ludo Kressh, Jedi Covenant
Locations: Rhelg, Odryn
Value: Priceless to the Jedi Covenant
Shape: Spherical with cylindrical attachments and miscellaneous knobs
Purpose: Care of Ludo Kressh's feet
Affiliation: Sith Empire
Availability: 4,X
Game Notes: The item has no use except as a Pedicure Set, but due to it's previous owner does radiate the Dark Side of the Force to a small degree.
Description: Ludo Kressh's pedicure set was an assembly of grooming tools used by Dark Lord of the Sith Ludo Kressh's servant to tend to his feet in the time before the Great Hyperspace War. At some later point, the relic was discovered by agents of the Jedi Covenant—a secret Jedi cabal whose mission was to prevent the return of the Sith—and taken to a storage facility for study. During an investigation of the Covenant's questionable dealings in 3963 BBY, the black marketeer Marn Hierogryph and former Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick stumbled upon the artifact.
The kit that contained Dark Lord of the Sith Ludo Kressh's podal caretaking instruments was a spherical, rimmed object with several cylindrical attachments and miscellaneous knobs placed on its surface. When the pedicure set was discovered by agents of the Jedi Covenant—a secret Jedi society whose purpose was to prevent the return of the Sith—it was placed in a transparent, chartreuse-tinted cube of a specially-designed nullification resin for safety. Additionally, a Covenant identichip was embedded in the resin for identification purposes.
In the years leading up to the Great Hyperspace War, Ludo Kressh made use of talented servants and slaves to care for his physical self and strengthen his domain on his homeworld of Rhelg. A Human female named Seelah Korsin had been tasked with the care of Kressh's feet, during which she made use of the pedicure set. When Korsin failed to stop an infection from spreading after her master had injured one of his ankles during battle, the Sith Lord executed every member of her family, starting with her father. Soon after, seeing as she had no reason to stay with Kressh, Korsin left to offer her services to Kressh's rival, the Dark Lord Naga Sadow.
Approximately 1,000 years later, the Snivvian black marketeer Marn Hierogryph, working with former Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick, found the pedicure set in a Covenant-controlled storage and research facility on Odryn—the Sanctum of the Exalted. Hierogryph and Carrick had traveled to the Sanctum with the purpose of finding indications of the Covenant's questionable practices. The relic, like all others stored in the facility, was covered in the nullification resin to dampen the effects of its potential dark side aura. Hierogryph jokingly suggested using the artifact as evidence against the Jedi Covenant.