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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Old RepublicSubtype: StarfighterEra: ImperialCanon: No

Nubian X-1 Bomber

The Nubian X-1 was a prototype bomber presented to the Republic five years
prior to the Battle of Naboo as a long range light bomber. The Republic
rejected the design, and the prototype was placed into storage on Nubia
until it was later stolen by a daring pirate known as Nym.

The X-1 was a large vessel for its class, stretching 22 meters in length and
sporting a wingspan of almost 30 meters. In fact, the Republic considered it
much too large and bulky.

Heavily armed, boasting six fire-linked laser cannons for ship-to-ship or
air-to-surface attacks, a dorsal mounted laser cannon for ship-to-ship
attacks and a proton bomb chute for air-to-surface attacks, the X-1 was
more than capable of inflicting mass damage to any target. Unfortunately,
it's slow rate of movement and low maneuverability made it an easy target
for faster moving starfighters or combat airspeeders.

Since the Republic failed to purchase the design, the basic hull and power
generators were later used in the Nubian Alpha 10 light transport, where
sales more than covered the loss the Nubians took in designing and building
the X-1.

Model: Nubian X-1 Prototype Bomber
Type: Prototype bomber
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 22 meters
Skill: Starfighter Piloting: Nubian X-1
Crew: 3 (pilot, navigator), gunners: 1, skeleton: 1/+10
Crew Skill: Varies widely
Passengers: 3
Cargo Capacity: 10 metric tons
Consumbables: 2 weeks
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 0D
Space: 5
Atmosphere: 295; 850 kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: 1D
        Passive: 15/0D
        Scan: 30/1D
        Search: 50/2D
        Focus: 2/2D+2
6 Laser Cannons (fire-linked)
        Fire Arc: Front
        Crew: 1 (pilot)
        Skill: Starship gunnery
        Fire Control: 2D
        Space Range: 5-9/15/25
        Atmosphere Range: 500-900/1.5/2.5 km
        Damage: 6D
Rotating Laser Cannons
        Fire Arc: Dorsal turret
        Crew: 1 (gunner)
        Skill: Starship gunnery
        Fire Control: 3D
        Space Range: 1-5/9/14
        Atmosphere Range: 100-500/900/1.4 km
        Damage: 2D
Proton Bomb Chute
        Fire Arc: Ventral
        Crew: 1 (gunner)
        Scale: Walker
        Skill: Missile weapons
        Ammo: 10
        Fire Control: 1D
        Space Range: 1/2/3
        Atmosphere Range: 30-100/200/300
        Damage: 8D

Notes: Based upon the "Havoc" in Star Wars: Starfighter. This is intended to
       be the stock version of the vessel, and not the "Havoc."
       d20 stats for the "Havoc" can be found in Star Wars Gamer #2

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