Name: R3-T6
Manufacturer: Industrial Automaton
Product line: R-series
Model: R3-series astromech droid
Class: Astromech droid
Height: 1.09 meters
Plating color: Red and white, clear dome
Astrogation 5D, Battle Station Piloting 4D, Capital Starship Piloting 4D, Space Transports 3D
Search 4D
Battle Station Repair 5D, Capital starship repair 6D, Capital Starship Weapon Repair 6D, Computer Programming/Repair 5D, Security 5D
Equipped With:
Three wheeled legs (one retractable)
Retractable heavy grasper arm (lifting skill at 2D)
Retractable fine worker arm
Small electric welder (1D to 5D damage, 0.3 metre range)
Small circular saw (4D damage, 0.3 metre range)
Video display screen
Holographic projector/recorder
Fire extinguisher
Acoustic signaller
Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 2
Move: 5
Description: R3-T6, or Arthree-Teesix, was an Imperial R3-series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton and serving aboard the first Death Star in 0 BBY. Compared to their R1 and R2 predecessors, R3-series droids like R3-T6 possessed sophisticated circuitry and a larger memory, which increased their efficiency in astrogation plotting. R3-T6 was present onboard the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin and was subsequently annihilated when the station was destroyed by the Rebel Alliance.
An R3-series astromech droid, R3-T6, also designated Arthree-Teesix, was manufactured by Industrial Automaton and in the service of the Galactic Empire, where it was tasked with calculating hyperspace coordinates. By as late as 0 BBY, the astromech droid was stationed aboard the first Death Star battlestation, a superweapon capable of obliterating entire planets. During the Battle of Yavin, R3-T6 was roaming the corridors of the battlestation and was present when Imperial Lieutenant Tanbris informed the Dark Lord Darth Vader that the Death Star's turbolasers were unable to trackā€”and therefore destroyā€”the attacking Rebel starfighters.
Despite the deployment of TIE Fighters to deal with the threat, one Rebel T-65 X-wing starfighter, piloted by Luke Skywalker, managed to launch a pair of proton torpedoes into the Death Star's thermal exhaust port. The torpedoes reached the Death Star's reactor core and detonated, destroying the battlestation. R3-T6 was destroyed in the explosion.
Like all R3-series astromech droids, R3-T6 possessed an increased memory and superior circuitry compared to earlier models such as the R1 and R2 astromech droids. These benefits gave R3-T6 increased efficiency in astrogation plotting. R3-T6 boasted a transparent dome and a red-on-white color scheme on its body.