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Section of Site: Vehicles D20Belongs to Faction: IndependentSubtype: RepulsorliftEra: ImperialCanon: No

Redhawk Swoop Bike
This is used by Atreides scouts on the ground, or to outflank and pursue
retreating enemy forces.  Acknowledged by many historians as the reason
Atreides forces-in-hiding were able to escape the Harkonnen purges after the
Harkonnens recaptured Arrakis, the Redhawk also made a convenient
exfiltration tool, widely used by Atreides men after a raid.

Craft: Atreides Z-56 Redhawk Attack Swoop Bike
Class: Speeder [Ground]
Size: Large (4.6 m long)
Passangers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 50 kg
Speed: 100 m
Max Velocity: 300 km/h
Cost: 8,000
Crew: 1 (Normal +2)
Initiative: +1 (-1 size, +2 crew)
Maneuver: +1 (-1 size, +2 crew)
Defense: 12* (-1 size, +3 armor)
Shield Points: 0
Hull Points: 25 (DR 5)
*Provides one-quarter cover to crew.
  1 Laser Cannon
    Fire Arc: Front
    Attack Bonus: +1 (-1 size, +2 fire control)
    Damage: 3d8
    Range Increments: 20 m
  Coldfire Micro-Torpedoes
    Fire Arc: Front
    Attack Bonus: +1 (-1 size, +2 fire control)
    Damage: 2d8
    Range Increments: 10 m
(These missiles are built into the actual swoop itself. They use a
pressurized gas to launch the initial stage of the missile so the rider's
legs won't be burned.)

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