Name: SFC. Clayton Zeke "Sarge" Anderson
Enlisted Army Recruit Scout 15 (E-7)
Init: +15 (+12 Class, +3 Dex)
Defense: 23 (+6 Class, +3 Dex, +4 Natural Armor)
Speed: 30 ft
WP: 15
VP: 110
Attack: +13 melee, +14 ranged
SQ: Alert, Bushmaster x7 (Combat Instincts, Forest Training, Jungle Training, Mobility, Track, Wolfpack Basics, Wolfpack Mastery), Hunter x4 (Advanced Skill Mastery (Outdoorsman), Keen Senses, Man Hunter, Night Vision), Macro-Specialty (+4 to damage rolls using ready action, +4 Will save bonus), Overrun, Rough Living +4, Sneak Attack +3d6, Stalker, Trailblazer
SV: Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +11
Abilities: Str: 14, Dex: 16, Con: 15, Int: 14, Wis: 14, Chr: 12
Skills: Balance +13, Climb +12, Concentration +12, Cultures +12, Driver +5, First Aid +4, Gather Information +11, Handle Animal +10 (18-20), Hide +18, Jump +7, Listen +17, Move Silently +18, Search +17, Spot +17, Survival +20 (18-20), Tumble +8
Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery (Outdoorsman), Armor Proficiency (light, medium, heavy), Combat Instincts, Controlled Burst, Coolness Under Fire, Forest Training, Jungle Training, Mobility, Outdoorsman, Perfect Stance, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Speed Trigger, Track, Weapon Group Proficiency (handgun, hurled, melee, rifle), Wolfpack Basics, Wolfpack Mastery, Wolfpack Supremacy
Colt CAR-15 +14 4d4
Colt M4A1 +14 4d4
Colt M203 +13 2d10+4
FN P90 +13 1d10+1
Ithaca 37 +15 2d10+1
Survival Knife +13 1d6+3
Unarmed +13 1d3+2 (sudual)
Gear: SG Team Bundle, other bundles as needed (by mission).
U.S. Army Sergeant First Class Clayton Zeke "Sarge" Anderson was born in Boise, Idaho, USA.
Zeke's father ran out and left his mother when she was pregnant.
His mother could not look after him so she gave him to the state, he says home was the Boys Department of Welfare. He was mainly raised by Nuns.
His mother died in a car wreck a couple of years after giving him up.
Although Zeke never met his father he did trace him to Elizabeth , New Jersey where he spent a day watching him with his new wife and children.
Zeke was married to Carole, they had one daughter called Katie.
Among the awards he has been given are the Combat Infantry Badge, Distinguished Service Cross, National Defence Service Medal, Purple Heart, Silver Star and Bronze Star twice.
He is a gifted survivor, an exceptional leader and good all round soldier.