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Section of Site: Creatures D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: CreaturesEra: High RepublicCanon: Yes

Name: Skura
Average height: 0.15 meters
Skin color: Gray
Distinctions: Long snout

Dexterity: 2D
Perception: 3D
Strength: 1D

Special Abilities:
        Camouflaged Skin: Skura have skin which matches the slate grey rocks of their homeworld, making them difficult to spot and giving them a bonus +2D to Sneak and Hide when in their native environment.

Move: 6
Orneriness: 2D

Description: The skura was a type of creature found on a secluded planet where the Sith known as the Stranger lived. They used their long snouts to forage on the stony shores of an island on the world and used their slate gray skin and slab-like heads to camouflage themselves when danger approached. In 132 BBY, the former Jedi Verosha Aniseya encountered a family of skura on the world after she was brought there by the Stranger.

Biology and appearance
Skura were a type of creature that foraged on the stony, island shores of a secluded planet. Their bodies were round with a stubby tail at the rear and two short legs with diamond-shaped feet beneath. Skura had slabbed-shaped heads with protruding black eye on each side and a long, pink snout similar to that of an anteater, which they used to find sustenance while foraging. The creatures' skin was slate gray and along with their head shape this allowed them to camouflage themselves among the rocks of their home, sometimes freezing in place when they sensed danger approaching, although they would also squeal and chitter while fleeing from some threats. Skura stood 0.15 meters tall, while their young were around the size of a duckling.

In 132 BBY, a young skura entered a cave on the planet where the Sith known as the Stranger lived. It began chittering and rooting around in a bag strewn on the cave's floor until the former Jedi Verosha Aniseya—who had been captured and brought to the cave by the Stranger—awoke nearby and moved toward it. The young skura climbed out of the bag and then squealed while dashing out of the cave away from Aniseya. When Aniseya herself exited the cave and walked down toward the shore of the island the cave was on, she passed a family of foraging skura consisting of two parents and a child. The trio froze as she walked by, turning to watch her reach the water's edge.

Later that day, the trio of skura stood camouflaged on top of a pile of rocks and stared out to sea as the two parents nuzzled their heads together. The family were then foraging near the beach with the child stood upon the back of one of the parents when Aniseya and the Stranger crossed the shore of the beach to reach the Sith's starship, the Exile II. The child look up to watch the pair as they passed in the distance.

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