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Section of Site: Starships D6Belongs to Faction: Grobyc Migration FleetSubtype: CapitalEra: Rise of the EmpireCanon: Crossover


Craft: Grobyc Migration Fleet City Ship Type 1
Type: Large Population Mobile City Ship
Scale: Capital
-Length: 5,000+m
Skill: Capital ship piloting: Grobyc city ship
Crew: 186,496
-Gunners: 700
-Troops: 100,000
-Skeleton: 2,000/+10
-Emergency Evac 2,000,000
Crew Skill: Astrogation 6D, Capital ship gunnery 5D, Capital ship piloting 5D, Capital ship shields 6D+1, Sensors 6D+2
Passengers: 500,000 (citizens)
Cargo Capacity: 1,000,000 metric tons
Consumables: 10 years (replenishable, self-sustaining)
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive: x1 (Backup: x6)
Nav Computer: Yes (+2D Astrogation)
Maneuverability: 1D
-Space: 4
-Atmosphere: 280; 800kmh
Hull: 12D
Shields: 6D
-Passive: 100/2D
-Scan: 200/3D
-Search: 400/5D
-Focus: 10/6D

   Hyperspace Acceleration Particle Cannon*
      Location: Mounted in forward hull
      Fire Arc: Front
      Crew: 20
      Skill: Capital ship gunnery
      Scale: Capital
      Fire Control: 2D
      -Space: 10-50/100/200
      -Atmosphere: 20-100/200/400km
      Damage: 16D
      Rate Of Fire: 1/10

   80 Heavy Particle Cannon Batteries (8 fire-linked)**
      Location: Mounted along hull
      Fire Arc: 20 front, 20 right, 20 left, 20 back
      Crew: 2 (80)
      Skill: Capital ship gunnery
      Scale: Capital
      Fire Control: 2D
      -Space: 5-20/50/100
      -Atmosphere: 10-40/100/200km
      Damage: 12D (9D individual)
      Rate Of Fire: 1/2

   80 Particle Cannon Batteries (8 fire-linked)**
      Location: Mounted along hull
      Fire Arc: 20 front, 20 right, 20 left, 20 back
      Crew: 1 (80)
      Skill: Capital ship gunnery
      Scale: Capital
      Fire Control: 1D
      -Space: 5-15/40/80
      -Atmosphere: 10-30/80/160km
      Damage: 9D (6D individually)
      Rate Of Fire: 1/2

   160 Point-Defense Focal Beam Projectors***
      Location: Mounted along the hull
      Fire Arc: 40 front, 40 right, 40 left, 40 back
      Crew: 1 (160)
      Skill: Starship gunnery
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control: 5D
      -Space: 1-5/25/50
      -Atmosphere: 100-500/2.5/5km
      Damage: 7D
      Rate Of Fire: 1

   80 Heavy Missile Tubes****
      Location: Mounted along hull
      Fire Arc: 20 front, 20 right, 20 left, 20 back
      Crew: 1 (80)
      Skill: Capital ship gunnery
      Scale: Capital
      Fire Control:
      -Hyperspacial Missile: 0D
      -Multi-Warhead Missile: 3D
      -Hyperspacial Missiles:
       -Space: 2-20/40/80
       -Atmosphere: N/A****
      -Multi-Warhead Missile
       -Space: 2-12/30/60
       -Atmosphere: 4-24/60/120km
      -Hyperspacial Missiles: 11D
      -Multi-Warhead Missile: 8D****
      Ammo: 20 each per tube
      Rate Of Fire: 1/2

   160 Light Missile Tubes****
      Location: Mounted along the hull
      Fire Arc: 40 front, 40 right, 40 left, 40 back
      Crew: 1 (160)
      Skill: Starship gunnery
      Scale: Starfighter
      Fire Control:
      -Hyperspacial Missile: 0D
      -Multi-Warhead Missile: 3D
      -Hyperspacial Missile:
       -Space: 1-4/6/8
       -Atmoshpere: N/A****
      -Multi-Warhead Missile:
       -Space: 1-5/7/10
       -Atmosphere: 2-10/14/20km
      -Hyperspacial Missiles: 11D
      -Multi-Warhead Missile: 8D****
      Ammo: 20 each per tube
      Rate Of Fire: 1/2

   40 Gravitic Force Beam Projectors*****
      Location: Mounted along hull
      Fire Arc: 10 front, 10 right, 10 left, 10 back
      Crew: 1 (40)
      Skill: Capital ship gunnery
      Scale: Capital
      Fire Control: 5D
      -Space: 1-10/30/60
      -Atmosphere: 2-20/60/120km
      Damage: 7D
      Rate Of Fire: 1


-GRAVIMETRIC DRIVE: The Grobyc City Ships use an advanced form of gravity manipulation in order to propel their great vessel through space, and even allow them to enter and atmosphere, land, and take off again if needed.  This drive system, stemming from the ancient structures from their homeworld used in making these city ships, effectively replaces generators for artificial gravity and repulsorlift effects.  This system is also much more maleable and intuitive, adjusting automatically as needed or allowing manual adjustment by touch, thought and will of a Grobyc controller when needed.  The field can even be altered in shape and intensity for a wide variety of other effects, including for defense.  The Gravimetric Drive supplies the basics for the Gravitic Force Beam Projectors and the energy shields used to defend the city ship.

-Crusher Field: If other capital scale ships come close enough to the City Ship, they can be affected by the sheer strength of the gravity field (18D Strength/Damage, -1D for every Space Unit distance away from the City Ship, 1 target at a time, cannot use Shields during this action, cannot affect starfight scale targets).

-Drive System: A Gravimetric Drive system can potentially make even large ships very fast by comparison to those that do not have such propulsion systems.  While the City Ship has a base Space Speed of 4, this could be increased at +1 per minute of constant use of the Gravimetric Drive while traveling in the same direction, up to a maximum of 8 (Technically, Gravimetric Drives do not have a limit to how fast they can become, but for the sake of the citizens inhabiting the City Ships, this is considered the limit for Speed increase while still being able to use the Gravimetric Drive's other abilities to stabilize the City Ship's structure and artificial gravity field and keep the citizens safe from the harm of such acceleration).  With increased Speed from a Gravimetric Drive also comes increased maneuverability.  However, again due to safety reasons, this is limited to +1D+1 (2D+1 total).  The simple math for increased Speed and Maneuverability from a Gravimetric Drive is, for every +1 Speed add +1 pip to Maneuverability.  Starfighter scale ships gain this +1 every round, capital scale ships generaly gain +1 every 10 rounds (+1 per minute), though how fast these ships "max out" at depends on their design and structure.  Other capital ships with a Gravimetric Drive and no unsafe passengers or citizens to worry about could reach a Speed of 12 or more!


*Hyperspace Acceleration Particle Cannon: This weapon is, in short, if Turbolaser technology were somehow crossed with a hyperdrive to "hyper-accelerate" the particles and wavelenth of the energy form into something much more destructive.  These weapons are mounted on the forward hull of all Type 1 Grobyc City Ships, with their more powerful cousins used by the larger vessels.  When a City Ship goes into combat mode, much of its power is portioned off to this singular weapon for use against large offensive targets.  However, due to the power drain, the weapon can only be fired once every ten combat rounds (or once per minute).  After the initial firing, all other weapons systems are in standby and cannot be used for one round, after which all other weapons systems can then be used again as normal.  The "Main Gun" itself must still rebuild its power charge over sixty seconds before it can be used again.  Still a marvelous feat of weapons engineering that the Galactic Empire could not reproduce on this small a scale.

**Particle Beam Weapons: These are, simply put, what would be possible if turbolaser technology were pushed further, with a more powerful particle energy beam that deals more damage and has greater range.  In general, a Particle Beam Cannon and Heavy Particle Beam Cannon have +2D damage over their Turbolaser counterparts, and 1/4 more range.

***Point-Defense Focal Beam Projector: Much like galactic standard laser weapons used to combat starfighter scale craft, these energy beams utilize advanced focal technologies to maintain beam cohesion, which greatly extends the range.  Combined with advanced cooling techniques, the beams can be projected continuously instead of in bursts like other laser weaponry, which deals more damage to a target as the constant beam maintains contact with its surface.  Using this weapon at full damge requires a full-round action for the attack as the beam is held on the target for best results.  Otherwise, the beam can be used to attack multiple times per round at less damage (-2D).

****Grobyc Missile Tubes: These missile launch systems have two standard types of missile to use, Hyperspacial Missiles and Multi-Warhead Missiles.
-Hyperspacial Missile:  These missile are able to enter Hyperspace upon launch, and reenter normal space near the target, or even better, within it!  Delivery is near instantaneous through Hyperspace, during which the target cannot see the missile in any way, either visually or with sensors, and may not even be aware that a missile has been launched at them.  Targets trying to Dodge or outmaneuver the Hyperspacial Missile do so at +2 Difficulty levels (or +10).  This is if they find some way to be aware that the missile is coming at them in the first place.  If they Dodge the missile when it comes out of Hyperspace, the missile stays in normal space, but is also a Homing Missile (6D Skill to attack, Speed 8, Hull 2D, Starfighter Scale).  Hyperspacial Missiles DO NOT work in atmosphere!
-Multi-Warhead Missile: These missiles have multiple explosive warheads in their casing (8 total).  When fired, the missile stays together as a single object while traveling to the intended target.  When they approach the target, the casing splits apart, as several droid-controlled smaller warheads zig-zag to impact upon the target, making it much harder to Dodge.  Each micromissile has the effect of a weaker Proton Torpedoe (8D Damage).  Each smaller missile has 4D Skill to attack, Speed 6, Hull 3D, walker scale (if trying to shoot them down).  They can combine their skill dice together as though they were characters using the rules for combined effort to hit the target.  For every +3 achieved past the roll needed to succeed in a hit, add another damage roll as more than one warhead is hitting the target.  These missiles can be fired to split apart as multiple micromissiles, or they can impact upon the target as a single missile to combine their collective damage.  If this is done, the missile has 12D damage!
-Heavy and Light Missile Tubes: The difference between these is that Heavy is capital scale targets and Light is starfighter scale.  Ranges are different, but otherwise they work the same way.

*****Gravimetric Force Beam Projectors: Where Tractor Beams have a very specialized and focused purpose and may be remotely linked to such technologies as repulsorlift or artificial gravity, gravimetric beam technology is a more advanced form of technology that can be adapted to serve the same purpose, but had a wide variety of other uses as well.  For the purposes of this weapon, it serves the same function of Tractor Beams, using its Damage/Strength to grab other ships and slow their Speed or stop them all together.  Gravimetric Beam technology is a byproduct of the Gravimetric Drive that propels the entire City Ship through space and allows it to land on a planetary surface, in essence replacing repulsorlift and artificial gravity generators with a single, much more advanced and versatile system.  While Gravimetric Beams are stronger than Tractor Beams, they also grant a greater degree of control over the target they are used upon.


   The massive city ships of the Grobyc are truly a site to behold.  dwarfing perhaps even the great Ithorian herd ships, these vessels are a marvel of technological architecture and engineering.  Any who know of the Grobyc's history wonder how they were able to construct these great ships within the two year span between the appearance of Palpatine's expeditionary fleets to find their original homeworld and conquer their species.

   It should be noted that this is one of the smaller examples of Grobyc City Ships, a Type 1 model, and that other, much larger variants of City Ship exist in the Migration Fleet, possessing comparatively more powerful weapons and defenses.

   The Grobyc city ships carry entire populations of the Grobyc species, where they live in relative comfort and contentment.  Their city ships have all the trappings of a real city, such as: living quarters of various size and comfort; schools and other educational centers; museums and other locations focusing on the fine arts and Grobyc hostory; libraries containing all of the Grobyc's culturaly history and knowledge; and various work shops and fabrication facilities that allow the Grobyc to learn more about their own technology (a common part of Grobyc education) as well as work to enhance and advance their own technologies for the sake of the fleet.

   The fabrication facilities of the Grobyc Migration Fleet City Ships are capable of easily producing the equivelant of almost any technological item currently available in the Star Wars galaxy, and a few more items that are not, items specific to the scientific breakthroughs unique to the Grobyc people.  Much of these technological and scientific discoveries are responsible for the Grobyc having such a high level of advanced tech as compared to the rest of the galaxy.  These technologies have led to the creation of their city ships, as well as the creation of easily replenished power sources, natural environments such as parks and portions of forests and other landmass and environments, replenishable food, water and air supply, and other advanced marvels not available to the rest of the galaxy.

   The offensive/defensive capabilities of these vessels is considerable.  While they possess weaponry and defensive systems of advanced Grobyc design, there is no telling what else the original ancient structures they were built from are truly capable of (GM discretion!).

   Each city ship also works as a mobile starport, space station and base of operations for large scale field and fleet operations of any kind.  The Type 1 City Ship has three capital scale docking ports on each quarter of its round hull, for a total of twelve capital scale docking ports in all.  Each port can accomodate one very large capital ship or several smaller ones of various lighter capital sizes.  For each of these there are four more starfighter scale docking ports, able to handle anything from a lone starfighter to a larger space transport.  Each one of these "1/4" docking port areas is a hustle and bustle of activity as crews from the smaller ships come aboard the city ships, whether they be on leave, ending their tour while serving the fleet and returning home for a vacation, or bringing in specific cargos or resourcess needed by the city ship and its citizens.  These areas also present multiple activities, including what passes for a bar or club in Grobyc culture.  These areas can often be brightly lit with lights of all kinds of colors, with so many advertisement holograms that they can overload the sensory processing of almost any species.  While the inner cities of these ships house and shelter the citizens, it is in these docking areas that tend to the smaller ships of the rest of the Migration Fleet that see the majority of action in Grobyc society.


   The true secret of the Grobyc City Ships is such that no one outside their own species knows their origin or how they came to be.  Some, such as Palpatine, wonder how the Grobyc were able to so quickly vacate their homeworld, somehow removing the great metallic structures native to their world, and then leave that world a barren, devestated wasteland.  The truth of the matter is that the structures were highly advanced technological devices left behind by some ancient and power race of beings long lost to the galaxy.  The Grobyc nanites originated from these structures, and slowly altered the Grobyc people over the course of generations, making them suitable to interface with these structures (and just about any other kind of machine in existence!).  Once this state was attained, the Grobyc's true link to these devices lay formany for a very long time, due to the fact that they had stopped exploring the galaxy and stayed close to their homeworld for so long.

   When palpatine's forces arrived in Grobyc space and started a conflict, these structures responded in defense of the Grobyc.  They unleashed gtreat destructive powerand obliterated Palpatine's expeditionary fleet in orbit.  After this event, the Grobyc became very much aware of a sort of racial link between their species and these structures.  After finding and examining the wreckage of the fleet, specifically the black boxes surviving the destruction of some of these ship, the Grobyc collectively came to agree that they would be back in time.

   This is when they began to look into methods of defending or leaving their homeworld.  They had no idea how much time they had.  This caused great stress and fear among the people.  This is when the great monolithic structures of their world responded again.  They began to change shape, becoming protective shells that would cover their most densely populated centers.  In time, the Grobyc realized how these structures responded to their will.  It was through this shared link that they eventually crafted the structures into the great city ships that would carry them to the stars and away from conflict and destruction.  In most cases, portions of their cities were enveloped by the reshaping structures to become integral parts of the city ships.

   When these transformations had been completed, the Grobyc then fully evacuated thelast of their people into orbit, joining the fleet together.  And from there they left into hyperspace for the Outer Rim.  Whatthey did not know was the fate of their homeworld.  Though they took everything they could in hopes of leaving no trace of their presence or technology, the Grobyc only felt the first slight changes in the weather patterns of their planet before leaving for good.  When the second Imperial fleet arrived later, the weather patterns of the planet had become so extreme that the world was completely inhospitable to humanoid life.  It would require some form of extreme terraforming to make it habitable, the kind that could take generations to complete, if it ever took to the planet at all.

   In time, the Grobyc would send scouts back to their homeworld, who would report back on the wasteland their homeworld had become.  At first the Grobyc would think their enemies had performed this act.  The data records of the city ships would eventually prove otherwise, however.  The massive devices that had been on their homeworld since they had arrived there thousands of years ago had been resppnsible for the terraforming of that world.  And without them present there, that world had returned to some form of its original, natural state.  If not for these ancient devices, the Grobyc would have died the moment they had originally reached that world.  Throughout their existence, these structures had kept them alive, improved upon them, made them more able to interface with these devices, and then saved their lives again...

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