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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: JEDI AND SITH WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENTEra: Old RepublicCanon: EU

Name: Yoke of Seeming
Type: Implant
Culture: Sith Empire
Owners: Haazen, XoXaan
Capacity: Causes the Living Force to flow past and around the wearer, clouding his intentions and altering perception of him.
Heritage: Sith Empire
Cost: Not Available for Sale
Availability: 4,X

Game Notes: When used, it clouds the perceptions anyone sensing the user, making them sense what the user wants. So attempts to detect the Dark Side will fail, Truthsense will fail etc. It even can effect normal senses, if used to lesser degree, such as when Haazen used it to make his horrific countenance less viscerally disturbing. However, if used to totally disguise the user, it has a physical effect on them, burning their skin for 3D damage each round it is used.

Description: The Yoke of Seeming was a Sith artifact that predated the arrival of the Dark Jedi Exiles. XoXaan seized it for herself. It was said to be able to make one appear as anyone or anything, although it burned the flesh while doing it.
Much later, Haazen acquired it and installed it as one of his cybernetic parts. It significantly increased his connection to the Living Force and allowed him to cloud other Jedi's senses, hiding his true intentions from them. In addition to clouding his intentions, the Yoke transmitted to all Force-users the sense of himself that Haazen wished to convey. So while other Jedi could accurately see his true disfigured form, they would not react too viscerally to it. At his own preference, Haazen could also minimize its effects as he did during a discussion with Lucien Draay, during which he wanted to convey revulsion.

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