Name: Capt. Caroline Walshe
Counter-Intelligence Agency Training MI5 Security Service Pointman 6 Field Analyst 6 (O-2)
Init: +12 (+7 Class, +1 Dex)
Defense: 16 (+5 Class, +1 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft
WP: 14
VP: 89
Attack: +9 melee, +10 ranged
SQ: Assistance (1/2 time), Cross-class Ability (Playboy (The Look)), Evidence Analyst (basic, advanced, grand), Eye for Detail, Favor for a Favor 1/session, Generous, Lead 2/session, Leap of Logic 1/session, Macro-Specialty (Gather Information as class skill, +4 bonus to Sense Motive and Surveillance threat range, +4 to Gather Information and Surveillance checks), Shutterbug, Tactics 3/session (+2 bonus), Versatility 8 (Concentration, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Surveillance)
SV: Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +12
Abilities: Str: 12, Dex: 12, Con: 14, Int: 16, Wis: 14, Chr: 15
12+17Skills: Bluff +15 (19-20), Bureaucracy +15, Climb +2,Concentration +9, Cultures +10, Demolitions +6, Diplomacy +11 (19-20), First Aid +3, Gather Information +13 (17-20), Hide +5, Innuendo +5, Intimidate +8/+11 (19-20), Knowledge (Military History) +5, Languages +5, Listen + (19-20), Move Silently +5, Profession (Military) +6, Search +10 (17-20), Sense Motive +9 (-20), Spot +10 (19-20), Surveillance +5 (17-20), Survival +5
Feats: Alertness, Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Charmer, Chip Away, Hard Core, The Look, Persuasive, Undermine, Weapon Group Proficiency (handgun, melee, rifle)Attacks
Browning High-Power +10 1d10+1
Unarmed +9 1d3
Gear: SG Team Bundle, other bundles as needed (by mission).
British Army Intelligence Captain Caroline Walshe was born in Penzance, Cornwall, England, UK.
Captain Caroline Walshe is a high achiever Caroline became a captain with British Army Intelligence at just 25 and was posted to the SAS.
A skilled interrogator, communications expert and man-manager, she hates to be treated differently from the men.
She has been awarded the Military Cross after an incident involving foreign forces in a British port.
She works with the Special Air Service and has come to the Stargate Program with Red Troop of the 22nd Regiment.