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Section of Site: Equipment D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: ARMOUREra: New RepublicCanon: No

Imperial Engineering Power Armor Suit

The Power Armor was vastly used in the Post-Thrawn Era by Imperial
troops and agents. It's main advantage over other types of armor
is that it has built-in targeting systems, IR goggles, and
filtration systems or air systems. Other advantages are NBC
operation, deep space use, and a Imperial model Jet Pack.
The name Power Armor came from the power motovator in the leg
area to provide enhanced movement and it powers all systems.

Model: Imperial Engineering PAS-100 Power Armor
Type: Powered Armor
Scale: Character
Skill: Powersuit Operation: PAS-100
Cost: 5000 credits
Availability: 3, R
Game Notes: This suit has 20 hours of filtrated breathing or 10
            hours of atomsphere in space operations. Suit has IR
            goggles (No darkness penalty), Targeting system
            (+1D weapon skill)and Jet Pack (150 Meters vertical
            or 300 meters horizontal) The Armor rating is +2D all
            attacks. Also the motovator give +3 to movement.
            It comes with a comlink built-in to the helmet.

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