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Section of Site: Equipment D20Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: No

RB-27 Medium Repeating Blaster

The RB-27 medium repeating blaster is an updated version of the widely successful RB-23 issued to StormElite line infantry at the beginning of the Thrawn Era. The RB-27 is much lighter than its older counterpart, and has been made much simpler to operate.

Instead of a manual barrel ejection system like that of the RB-23, the RB-27 features an automatic ejection system. A miniaturized computer inside of the weapon is set to detect when the weapon has fired 300 shots, and, once that point has been reached the computer opens up the side ejection door and pops the barrel out of its locked position. All a soldier really has to do is slide the barrel out and insert another into the door and lock it into position.

An average repeating blaster crew, whether they are handling an RB-23 or 27, consists of four people: a gunner, his assistant/observer, and two ammunition retrievers. The purpose of the assistant is to slide the barrel in and out during barrel changes and also act as a battlefield observer in the meantime. The two ammunition retrievers are rifle-armed infantrymen who provide covering fire for the repeating blaster and also, in a more crucial state, help bring fresh blast packs up to the blaster's position from nearby munitions dumps [when there is no power generator present].

Model: BlasTech RB-27 Medium Repeating Blaster
Cost: 2150 (250-round pack: 250)
Damage: 5d8+2
Critical: 19-20
Range Increment: 67.5m
Weight: 9 kg
Type: Energy
Size: Medium
Group: Blaster Rifle
Ammo: Varies (250 Blast Pack OR Unlimited Round Power Generator)
Multifire/Autofire: MF/AF (-2,-4)
Game Notes: When a character is hit by an RB-27 shot, roll 1d6. If the roll is a 1 or 2, roll normal damage. If the roll is 3-6, damage is x2. (Incidentally, the RB-27 is more accurate than the RB-23). The RB-27 must be fired from either its detachable bipod or a tripod. If fired without one of these two attachments, user suffers Blaster -6 to hit while firing the weapon.

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