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Captain Gilad Pellaeon (Human Imperial Officer)

Captain Gilad Pellaeon (Human Imperial Officer)
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Section of Site: Weapons D6Belongs to Faction: Subtype: WEAPONSEra: ImperialCanon: No

Bantha Gun

The term "Bantha Gun" is a generic name given to many massively large slug-
throwers by hunters and poachers. Most hunters and poachers own one of these
weapons (though they will deny it for legal purposes) for use against large
creates such as rancors or wampas. The weapon itself is massively huge,
nearly two full meters in length. Some bounty hunters have been known to use
sawed off versions of the weapon on occassion when seeking a "wanted dead"

Model: Pook-Ieng EG-1 "Bantha Gun"
Type: Heavy shotgun
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms: bantha gun
Ammo: 2 (1 per barrel)
Cost: 3,100 (ammo: 100 for box of 25 shells)
Availability: 2, R
Range: 1-3/15/50
Damage: 7D (single barrel), 8D (double barrel)
Game Notes: Moderate Lifting roll must be made in order lift the EG-1 and
            another each round after that.

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