Neyomal Jump Gate
The Neyomals developed Hyperspace Jumpgate technology to allow ships that
can't afford to install hyperdrives, enter hyperspace. This was originally
achieved through these Jump Gate structures, then later through their larger
ships. These Jump Gates consist of four Pylons with scafolding like constructs
running between them and a big open space in the center. The portals open
up in the center and ships pull through. On both ends of each pylon is a pulse
cannon so if an unathuorized ship uses the Jump Gate it can be destroyed
immediately. The Jump Gates allow ships to enter hyperspace faster than any
Neyomal ship can travel by itself. Ships that have hyperdrive motivators can
go wherever they wish because they can drop out by themselves. However ships
without their own hyperdrives can only travel between Jump Gates, from one
to another.
When experimenting with new Jumpgate Technology, that would let even ships
without hypoedrives go anywhere they wish, The Neyomal accidently uncovered
the secret of inter-dimensional travel. They dropped into 'realspace' in the
Palvar Sector where they encountered Kashan People. During the course of the
encounter Kashan spies afixed themselves to the Neyomal ships on small fighters.
Through tickery and espionage, Kashan thusly managed to get ahold of partial
plans for a Jump Gate. They then began experimenting with the designs until
the successfuly built HyperJump-1 and then built another one and closely
guarded them. However the Neyomal re-entered relspace through the Jumpgates
and began terrorising the galaxy.
Craft: Neyomal Jump Gate
Type: Hyperspace Jump gate
Scale: Capital
Length: 650 meters
Skill: Astrogation: Jump Gate
Crew: 5; Gunners: 8; Skeleton: 2/+5
Crew Skill: Astrogation 10D+1, capital ship gunnery 5D+2, capital ship shields
5D+1, communications 5D, sensors 5D
passenegrs: 15 (maintanence crew)
Cargo Capacity: 5,000 metric tons
Consumables: 1 year
Cost: Not available for sale
Hull: 5D
Shields: 3D
Passive: 25/1D
Scan: 70/2D
Search: 100/3D
Focus: 4/3D+1
8 Pulse Cannons
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: 2
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Damage: 5D+2
Game Notes: Jump Gate Multiplier: x 0.5
Entering hyperspace: When using the jump gate to enter
hyperspace, the astrogation officer on board the jump gate
itself must make the required Astrogation roll. On a Wild Die
roll of 1, reroll on the table:
Reroll Game Effects
1 - 3 gate operates normally, hyperdrive
multiplier is x3 (not the multiplier listed
on the ship)
4 gate miscalculates, increase hyperdrive
multiplier to x4
5 gate fails to open
6 gate collapses, knocking ship off course
and unguided into hyperspace
Exiting hyperspace: If a starship has its own hyperdrive
motivator, then it may drop out of hyperspace as it normally
would. If a starship lacks a hyperdrive, then it must rely on
the gate at its destination to be open when it crosses that spot
in hyperspace. After a successful entry into hyperspace at the
starting gate, roll the jump gate's communications officer's
Communication skill at Moderate Difficulty. On a mishap, the
communication fails to arrive at the destination gate in time
and the starship is trapped in hyperspace forever.